this target is good for the closer lines, probably will use this one out to 600 yards.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Now I'm using the F-Class X data sheet
October 19, 2012
Manuel from Mobile, AL United States
This solved a problem. I had reached a point that the standard F-class sheets no longer allowed me to reasonably plot my groups because the lines were too close together. I only shoot at 1000 yards. The 9/10/X sighter plot area is a great addition. I never use the individual shot plot area because I don't see my paper target points of impact until I go downrange after shooting. Sighters are on a small steel target that creats enough splatter to see point of impact in the scope. In fact, I would be just as happy with the entire individual shot plot area left blank for written notes. And far too often I wish there was a 8 ring on the large plot but the optimist in me says to think positive about 9's and 10's and keep practicing. Maybe one set of data sheets with the individual shot area for use at matches and another set of data sheets with the aforementioned area left blank for more notes during practice sessions?